Established in 1967, the BC Building Trades represents 25 local craft construction unions belonging to 13 international unions. There are more than 45,000 unionized construction workers in B.C. and these highly skilled workers account for approximately 55 per cent of the non-residential construction labour force. We work with construction companies to leverage the most out of development for all stakeholders, to advance the economic prosperity of the province, to put local workers first and to ultimately build a better British Columbia.
Apprenticeship is a key pillar of the BC Building Trades. Our training centres invest $31 million annually into training and apprenticeship programs, and we have the highest apprenticeship completion rates. Our training centres are number one when it comes to training women and Indigenous apprentices.
The BC Building Trades is governed by its membership. Delegates selected by each of the affiliate unions attend an annual general convention. Two of the primary responsibilities for convention are to set policy and elect the Table Officers: The President, Vice-President and Secretary Treasurer. These Table Officers are responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Council.
In between conventions, the council is overseen by an executive council. Normally, it is the Business Managers (the elected heads) from affiliate unions who sit on the Executive Board. The Executive Board meets on a monthly basis, during the calendar year, to set the course and review the business of the council.
The daily management of the BC Building Trades is the responsibility of the Executive Director, who is the chief staff person at the Council. The Executive Director works closely with the Table Officers to accomplish the short- and long-term projects of the organization.
The BC Building Trades is organized into regional councils. The Regional Councils initiate and oversee the Council’s activity within their geographical boundaries.
Vancouver Island and District
Area: Vancouver Island
919 Esquimalt Road
Victoria, B.C.
V9A 3M7
Phone: 250-382-0415
Fax: 250-380-1713
Jim Noon, President
Phone: 250-382-0415
Jason Pedersen, Secretary-Treasurer
Phone: (250) 727-3458
Vancouver – New Westminster and District
Area: Lower Mainland and Lower Coast
Address: #209- 88 88 Tenth Street
New Westminster, B.C.
V3M 6H8
Lisa Flesher, President
Josh Towsley, Vice President
The British Columbia and Yukon Territory Building and Construction Trades Council is an umbrella organization for construction unions in the province of British Columbia. Currently there are 17 unions in the province who are affiliated to the BC Building Trades. Together, these unions represent 40,000 members and highly skilled craft workers throughout BC and the Yukon Territory.