The Fort Wayne Social Security Office location is in Fort Wayne, Indiana 46819. This page provides the contact information for this location including the Social Security office phone number, office hours and driving directions.
If you have questions or issues about your retirement Social Security benefits, or you need to schedule an appointment, then call the Fort-Wayne Social Security Office listed below. Indiana SSA offices handle several federal programs such as retirement, SSI, Medicare and disability benefits.
Southside Of Fort Wayne Off Bluffton Rd Near The Airport Expressway. Large Sign On Bluffton Rd. Office Is Next To Anthony Wayne Services.
As of April 7, 2022, in person services will be restored at local Social Security offices, including for people without an appointment.
Millions of Americans depend on Social Security, so it is logical that people would need to visit their local Social Security Administration (SSA) office periodically. Some of these offices can be located in busy parts of town, which can be difficult to navigate. Additionally, you might get to your appointment at the office and realize that you do not have the proper documents required for the purpose of your visit. is the right place if you are looking for information regarding the Social Security Office as well as what types of services they offer, what services you can use online, and what documents and information you need to bring with you to make sure you have a successful visit.
Fort Wayne Indiana Social Security Office 46819 ServicesTo make things easier on you, many services today can be completed online without a trip to your local office. Not only does this usually result in faster processing of your request, but it also makes things much simpler because you never even have to leave home. Today, you can do everything from viewing your Social Security statement to applying for benefits online. A more complete list of the online services available is shown below.
Due to COVID-19, many local field offices were closed to the public. Some transactions you may want to do in person. In most cases, you can call the office and speak to a local SSA representative to schedule an appointment. Otherwise, you will discuss your circumstances and needs over the phone with the main office or online through the Social Security website.
It is generally best to schedule an appointment with your local office to help cut down on your wait time. You can call the office at (877) 223-6061 to schedule your appointment. When you make the call, make sure to ask about the documents you need to bring to your appointment.
The documentation that you need to bring along depends on the services or information you need. At a minimum, you will need some form of ID like a driver’s license, U.S. Passport, or state-issued non-driver’s identification card. You may also need your current Social Security card and perhaps your birth certificate. It is usually best to take everything you can even if you are not sure whether you need it. In some cases you can bring copies, in others you may need the originals. It will save you time and frustration if you bring all the documentation that they recommend rather than not have something you may need while you are visiting the office.
The SSA office is located at 2122 LINCOLNWAY CT Fort Wayne, Indiana 46819, United States. This is where you will go when you need to complete any of the requests for services that we mentioned above. You can also find driving directions and a map above.
The application process is a necessary step when trying to receive retirement or disability benefits. The application can be done online, in person, or over the phone. You will need your Social Security number and other required documentation to complete your application. The local office can help you identify the information you need to complete the application.
You can check your earned benefits by calling or visiting the office. But, the easiest way to check your benefits is by logging into your My Social Security account online through Logging into your personal account will allow you to view your benefit statements, benefit estimates, earnings history, and the status of any pending applications.
There are a couple of ways you can perform a Social Security card name change . Probably the easiest is by requesting the change online through your My Social Security account. It is possible, depending on where you live you might be unable to complete the request online. If you cannot, then you will need to visit your local Social Security office or download, fill out and mail in the application for name change with the required documentation.
If your Social Security card has been lost or stolen, act immediately! You should also take the proper steps to prevent identity theft and request a replacement card, but. It is possible that criminals could use your information to apply for credit cards and loans or file fraudulent tax returns in your name. You can also place a fraud alert on your Social Security number and keep an eye on your credit report.
If you need to replace your Social Security card, the process is quite simple. If you have already created a My Social Security account, you can easily request the replacement on the website. If not, then simply create your online account and make the request. You may also visit your local SSA office.
Requesting a replacement card online is the fastest way to get a new card; but, if you need a temporary Social Security card, then you will need visit your local Social Security office. They will not issue you a temporary card, but they will give you a receipt showing that your new card has been requested. This receipt may be able to function as a sort of temporary card in some cases.
If you need to apply for disability benefits, you have a several options. You can apply at your local office, online, or over the phone. Should you need to apply over the phone, simply call the Social Security Administration’s main number at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778).