Scholarships & Grants

All students accepted for admission who have completed the financial aid process are automatically considered for all University need-based scholarship programs.

Notre Dame Club Scholarships

Approximately 150 Notre Dame clubs offer scholarships from their respective geographic areas. All applicants for financial aid are considered for club scholarships. Students will be advised by participating clubs if any additional steps (e.g., interview, essay) might be required by the local club. Similar to Notre Dame scholarships, club scholarships are given on the basis of demonstrated financial need.

Private Scholarships

Many private organizations provide scholarships to Notre Dame students. Scholarship information may be obtained by contacting civic, professional, religious and other community organizations. The College Board's Scholarship Search and FinAid! website provide scholarship search information. Caution is advised with respect to the use of fee-based scholarship search enterprises. Additional private scholarship details

Federal Pell Grant

The Federal Pell Grant is a need-based grant offered to eligible undergraduate students. In the 2024-2025 academic year, the amount of the Pell Grant ranges from $740 to $7,395.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)

The SEOG assists students demonstrating exceptional financial need in accordance with guidelines and funding allocations established by the Department of Education and the Office of Financial Aid. SEO Grants range from $100 to $4,000 annually.

State-Sponsored Scholarships and Grants

Residents from states including Indiana and Vermont may be eligible for scholarship/grant assistance from their home state scholarship/grant programs. Students must obtain information and application procedures directly from their state scholarship agency.

128 McKenna Hall
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame , IN 46556 USA Phone 574-631-6436